Dear Exhibit Vendor:
The Johns Hopkins Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology will be hosting an outstanding three day CME‐accredited course April 1 - 3, 2020, on the Johns Hopkins Medical Campus in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
The fourth annual Johns Hopkins International Therapeutic Endoscopy Course (HITEC) is an intense 2-3 day course dedicated to providing the practicing endoscopist state-of-the-art updates in luminal, pancreaticobiliary and bariatric endoscopy.
In addition to extensive live endoscopy demonstrations and keynote lectures by superstar national and international faculty, our unique format will include faculty led lunch time symposia focusing on the various aspects of therapeutic endoscopy as well as video sessions that encourage opportunities to demonstrate rare cases not typically performed during live courses in the U.S. The pancreaticobiliary endoscopy sessions will illustrate basic and advanced principles and techniques of EUS/ERCP, cholangiopancreatoscopy and interventional EUS. The luminal endoscopy sessions will focus on techniques such as Barrett’s endoscopic therapy, therapies for GERD, EMR, ESD, POEM and EUS-guided anastomosis creation. The bariatric endoscopy sessions will demonstrate primary endoscopic therapies, as well as novel techniques to manage the complications of bariatric surgery. The therapeutic endoscopy hands-on training lab offers training performed by worldrenowned experts. The nursing track will enable its learners to develop and maintain competency of emerging therapeutic procedures.
In short, this unique course featuring global endoscopists will ensure detailed and comprehensive illustration of optimal techniques to enhance endoscopic skills, while simultaneously introducing advanced and novel procedures/techniques to endoscopists.
This activity is intended for endoscopists, gastroenterologists, surgeons, gastroenterology/surgical fellows, endoscopy nurses and endoscopy technicians. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and takes responsibility for the content, quality and scientific integrity of this CME activity. We anticipate 500 attendees.
Registrants will be eligible to receive over 24 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. In addition to lectures given by 25 outstanding faculty from around the world. A detailed listing is provided in the attached documents.
We would like to invite your company to be an exhibitor for this important educational event. Exhibit level opportunities are available. Please see attached prospectus outlining the levels available for $7,500, which includes a table top display or $15,000 for a large booth display. Exhibit space is limited. The
fee helps defray the costs associated with conference management and facility fees.
Preferred exhibit space will be located in the foyer area outside the ballroom where educational lectures will be held. There is also an exhibit hall for table top displays only. An exhibit agreement has been attached for completion and should be sent along with payment prior to the activity start date. Payment instructions and an invoice are provided on the agreement.
Our tax ID# is 52‐0595110. All checks should be made payable to Hopkins/HITEC 80049119. The signed agreement and PAYMENT are REQUIRED by March 25, 2020.
We look forward to hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to work with you on this unique educational activity. If you need any further information, please contact me via email at or phone: (410) 614‐0149. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Laura Friend
CME Coordinator, Lead
Office of Continuing Medical Education
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

For full details. See / download exhibit packet